Our mission is to reach out the community, receive them as they are, relate them to God, nurture and equip them, and send them back into the community to make the community a more loving and just place in which to live. When any organization invests time and relationship into the community, the community grows. When our communities do better so do we. The call of scripture to “go unto all the world” led by God does have benefits.
Scouting Ministry:
Scouting Resources
- Camp Is My Parish
- P.R.A.Y. Awards
- Conference Scouting Coordinator
- Scout Sunday
- Patches and Awards
- Shepard Churches
Scouting Ministries are another open door for the community. We invite youth and their families to grow. We serve with communities. We live our relationship with God in front of others keeping Christ at the center. Our youth need us. We need you.
Key help from the Scouting Ministries Office
- Resources for Local Churches
- Volunteer Leader Training
- Resources for Conferences
- Bishop Dinners
Note: While the term “scouting ministries” is used extensively to refer to all civic youth-serving agency programs, it is important to note that each of these agency programs offers distinct and unique program and organizational features.