The ministry of men in the local church is defined as a core group of men, partnering with their pastor, to invite and initiate spiritual growth opportunities for all men of the church. Everyone has different gifts, graces and areas of interest. The focus is not inward, concentrating only on those who attend a set meeting, but outward to all men, assisting them to engage the process of spiritual growth.
Ministry Overview:
- Resources for solo study
- Resources for group study
- Resources for churches
- Conference leadership training
- International leadership training
- Clergy and District training
“Authentic Disciples impacted by strengthening men’s ministry, equipping leaders, and setting hearts ablaze with zeal for Christ’s love and grace, shining as beacons in faith communities worldwide.”

- United App
- Book Series
- Training Series
Get Started
Ready to get something going? Begin by downloading some quick start materials.
Our Other Projects
- Conference President Guide
- Year-Long Bible Study