Learn More about
men's and scouting

Men’s Ministry

 is more than a program or a club. It’s about helping men discover their identity in Christ in the context of their unique needs and life journey.

Scouting Ministry

 is an adventure to Christ for youth and adult volunteers through the channels of various scouting programs offered within a given community.

How we are funded

80% of our funds are generated in-house from program ministry revenues, while only 20% of our funds come from UMC allocated ministry funds.

Relationship to UMC

We are a polity body of The United Methodist Church, formed to serve and support the UMC worldwide. We equip leaders in the local church for men’s and scouting ministry.

How we operate

A full-time staff works on program development and deploys resources. Working alongside clergy, districts, and conferences. Partnering with a network of volunteers.

Meet the Staff

The GCUMM staff is charged with conducting operations to carry out the mission and vision of the Board of Directors concerning ministries with men and scouting as directed by the UM Book of Discipline including strategic plans. They are also responsible for training, equipping, and resourcing UMC leaders
to accomplish these goals.