
  The Times Have Changed the Mission Remains  
Bishop James Swanson Sr, Interim General Secretary/CEO 
Some years back I was introduced to the acronym VUCA. It was used by a speaker to describe the environment or world we were becoming. Each letter describes a condition that the author saw affected the climate we live in and must effectively address if we are to be the people, the overcomers The Holy Spirit needs us to be to transform this world.  

• The V stands for volatile. This word carries the meaning of; “liable to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse.” In this kind of world, we need persons that can be steadfast influence. Persons who aren’t prone to make hasty decisions but to wait and seek God’s direction. David exemplified this in his writings. “I waited patiently for the Lord; And He inclined to me.  And heard my cry.” (Psalms 40:1 NKJV)  

• The U stands for UNCERTAIN. Not able to be relied on; not known or definite. These are times filled with much indecision because it’s difficult to be definite about the information you receive. If you need 100 % certainty before you decide you will find it difficult to make decisions. No wonder the wise writer in Proverbs leaves us this message; “In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.” (Proverbs 3:6 NKJV)  

• The C stands for COMPLEX. This world we are navigating through consist of many different and connected parts. And as we mature we discover how intricately related various parts of our lives, our decisions, our behaviors, our beliefs are and that these combinations can often call for more wisdom than we possess. How your plans conflict with the plans of those you love and often conflict with God’s plan for not only you but the world. You want a better job but you will need to move away from familiar surroundings. The disciples wanted Jesus to live but…  

• The A stands for AMBIGUITY. This world today presents us with the challenge of needing to be open to more than one interpretation: inexactness. And our ability to navigate the certainties of life and the uncertainties of life will reveal the quality of our wisdom. John Wesley alluded to this… “In essentials, unity; in doubtful matters, liberty; in all things, charity.”  

It is against this backdrop that we seek today to develop a vibrant ministry designed to not only gather men to Christ but to also continue in their development as maturing, growing in grace, moving on toward perfection, disciples in Jesus Christ. In other words, there are many males, boys, teenagers, young adults, middle-aged adults and older adult men that have never had a transformative encounter with Christ. And there are a significant number of the same that are missing opportunities or not being extended an opportunity to grow into better disciples of Jesus Christ.  

We boldly go forward founding new and exciting ways to introduce men of all ages to Jesus. In these encounters and introductions transformations will happen. Men will learn how to live, be transformed and beckon others to accompany them on this journey.    
  “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Proverbs 29:18a (KJV)  
Rev. Dr. Rick Vance Director of Operations

For a long time, I have read and preached on this verse, emphasizing that having a personal vision for ministry is essential for an organization’s success. However, after exploring other translations of this passage, I realized there is something even more crucial.

I believe the most important aspect of ministry is maintaining a healthy, close relationship with God. John Wesley’s third General Rule was to “Stay in love with God.” To achieve this, Wesley recommended the following practices:

Public worship of God.
Ministry of the Word, either read or expounded.
The Lord’s Supper.
Family and private prayer.
Searching the Scriptures.
Fasting or abstinence.

Wesley believed that by prioritizing these practices, one’s ministry and life would be centered in God’s will. Once we establish a strong relationship with God, we can then focus on understanding the vision and mission He has for us as individuals and as United Methodist Men.

Eugene Peterson translates Proverbs 29:18 this way in The Message: “If people can’t see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves; But when they attend to what he reveals, they are most blessed.”

As we embark on this new season for United Methodist Men, let us intentionally draw closer to God through prayer, scripture, small group accountability, and discernment. By doing this, we align ourselves with God’s vision rather than imposing our own plans.

You are in my prayers as we work together in our shared ministry.  
  The Journey  
  Steven Scheid, Director of the Center for Scouting Ministries  

A Beginning  The journey of humanity in relationship to God has been since the beginning. God spoke with Adam, Eve, Cain, and Able directly. There were flaws in each of them. But God still spoke. God’s voice was not silent. Humanity listened. Are we willing to listen like they did in the beginning?   

Along the Path  The path of relationship is long from the first faithful servants to a first people, then to a nation. Promises from God were often to the starters of the journey for those who would come later. Noah became the father of the renewed world. Abraham and Sarah became the progenitors of a great nation. Joseph became the salvation of a budding people. Moses stood before God on behalf of a people becoming a nation. Are we willing to grow in covenant that we will not see fulfilled? Are we willing to put in the work, time, life, and hope for others?    

Mountain Top Views  There will be moments when the path leads to a view from the mountain top. David’s reign was a high point for Israel. The Mount of Transfiguration left Peter desiring to stay. Christ’s response tells us how the journey is to go.  

“And after six days Jesus took with him Peter and James, and John his brother, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. 2  And he was transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became white as light. 3 And behold, there appeared to them Moses and Elijah, talking with him. 4 And Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good that we are here. If you wish, I will make three tents here, one for you and one for Moses and one for Elijah.” 5 He was still speaking when, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my beloved Son,[a] with whom I am well pleased; listen to him.”  6 When the disciples heard this, they fell on their  faces and were terrified. 7 But Jesus came and touched them, saying,  “Rise, and have no fear.” 8  And when they lifted up their eyes, they saw no one but Jesus only.” -Matt 17:1-8   

Hearing, Seeing, and Doing   It is time for us to hear Christ. We who call ourselves followers have been touched by Christ. We must rise and have no fear. When we do the views fade away leaving only the one who made them. We see only Christ. It is not the end of the journey but the beginning or renewing of a walk together. We hear, see, and do with Christ. Are you willing to listen, work, and see only Christ?    
  Important Resources for Your 2024 Annual Conferences  
  Rev. Sterling Eaton, Director of Men’s Ministries 

We are delighted to announce that the General Commission on United Methodist Men (GCUMM) has meticulously developed a comprehensive collection of new digital documents. These valuable resources are not just for your 2024 annual conferences but also for enhancing attendees’ experience and engagement. They provide insightful perspectives and practical tools for your United Methodist Men (UMM) gatherings, empowering you with the latest knowledge and strategies.  

Below are the following links to digital documents in PDF format, ready for download and printing:
• “A Man Must Stand” is an inspiring booklet emphasizing the importance of steadfast faith and resilience in today’s world. It is now available through GCUMM. Man Must Stand.pdf?version=0
• “Men’s Ministry Launch Plan Event”: A detailed blueprint for initiating and sustaining successful men’s ministry programs within your community. Ministry Launch Plan.pdf?version=0
• “National Gathering of United Methodist Men”: An overview of the key highlights and themes for our upcoming 2025 National Men’s Gathering. Gathering of United Methodist Men.pdf?version=0
• “We’re Winners”: A motivational piece celebrating the achievements and milestones of UMM across the nation. Winners.pdf?version=0
• “GCUMM Men: Who We Are, What We Do, and Why We Do It”: A comprehensive explanation of our mission, activities, and the core values that drive our organization. Who We Are%2C What We Do and Why We Do It The mission of the United Methodist Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the.pdf?version=0

Moreover, we are thrilled to announce the United Men’s App launch. This user-friendly tool, currently available for download on iOS devices via the (Apple Store), is a one-stop solution for all your UMM needs. We are eagerly awaiting Google’s release for Android users, and we believe this app will revolutionize how you access and utilize our resources.

These documents are readily available for download and printing, allowing you to produce the exact number of copies needed for your UMM vendor tables. These resources will significantly enrich the content and impact of your conferences.

We are also pleased to offer a selection of new standing banners to enhance your event setups. These banners, with their striking designs and impactful messages, will add visual appeal and reinforce the identity and values of your UMM gatherings. We advise placing your orders well in advance to ensure timely arrival and maximum impact.

For more detailed information about banners and shipping logistics, please contact Cre Ward, who will gladly answer any questions.

Thank you for your unwavering support and active participation in our collective mission. We are excited to contribute to the success of your 2024 annual conferences.    
  United Methodist Foundation  
Steve Nailor, Vice President of the UMMen Foundation  

On behalf of the United Methodist Foundation Board: Greetings in the name of our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ.  I want to thank everyone who has supported the UMMF over the years.  The foundation has been blessed to receive funds and disperse them our ministries.  Our board continues to support our youth-serving ministers at $114,500 annually.

There are several ways that you could help:

1. Planned giving.
2. Wills
3. Life insurance policies
4. Charitable gift annuities
5. Charitable endowments  

Members of the Heritage Society may create an endowed fund in their name or in honor of a friend or loved one.  You can start an endowment with an investment as small as $1000.

For more information contact, Dan Ramsey, President at [email protected].  Steve Nailor, Vice President at [email protected].  
  Cool stories  
  David James.jpg

February 6th, 2024

Dessert Southwest United Methodist Conference
1550 E Meadowbrook Ave.
Phoenix, AZ 85014  

Re:  Bishop’s Carlo Rapanut Award Bishop Rapanut:

I am proud and pleased to nominate brother David L. James, Fountain Hills United Methodist church for the Bishops Award.   I first met David when visiting the Fountains United Methodist Church.  Over a breakfast meal we discussed stating a United Methodist Men’s unit at the Fountains.  After further discussion on how important Men’s ministry is to a church, he agreed to organize a Men’s Breakfast and discuss this with the men of the church.   At that breakfast, David was elected President.

At that time, I was serving as the President of the National Association Conference Presidents.  David did a marvelous job of organizing and putting together the Fountain Hills United Methodist Men.   As we worked together that year, I learned the Desert Southwest Conference did not have a Men’s President either.   Not long after that, David was elected President of the Conference United Methodist Men.  The following year David asked who was heading up the Western Jurisdiction’s Men’s work.  Though his vigorous research he met men in the Western Jurisdiction that spanning Alaska, Hawaii, California, Mountain Sky, Oregon, Pacific Northwest Conferences, and the Western Jurisdiction and David was elected President.

Through all this, David became connected to the Saw’s Ministry of providing ramps for those who could not afford one on their own.  He went to work and established this Ministry in the Desert Southwest Conference.   He also created a 501.C3 so they could write grants and raise money to support the ministry.  This ministry works ecumenically to build high-quality removable and reusable, pressure treated, ADA Compliant, wooden rams for individuals using wheelchairs, scooters, or walkers.  David worked with United Methodist Men to start shops and currently there are three active communities with woodworking shops, Fountain Hills, Yuma, and Sierra Vista.  These three shops have produced approximately fifty ramps over the past several years.

David is now the 875th person inducted into the Society of John Wesley Fellows.  He joins two National Presidents, 2 Judges, 49 Bishops, and 43 Doctors included in this national men’s ministry.

Goes without saying that David L. James continues to impact lives of our churches and communities.   At the last Ramp installation, the recipient was asked what the ramp meant to him? He said, “It means the whole world to me, now I can get off my porch.”  David James makes a difference in people’s lives.    
  What Worked for Us!  
  Kenny Bingham, UMM South Carolina Conference President

South Carolina held our Annual Conference at Journey Church, Columbia February 24,2024. Our theme was “Act like a Man”, sometimes you must take a knee, sometimes you take a stand to act like a man. Our speakers were: Dr. Rosario Picardo , Rev Percy Reeves, and Dr. Steve Brown, who all spoke on different aspects of how to act like a man.

The weekend started off with a golf tournament on Friday morning with our largest tournament ever followed by, Cigars and Scriptures at Journey Church from 6 to 8 pm. A meal of shrimp and grits was served, what a great spiritual experience we had. Doing things a little different helps bring in men who otherwise would not have come. Thanks to Journey Church, Pastor Ashford , Ty Williams, DeAndre Stallworth and everyone who helped make the weekend a great success.   

y 2024

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